Monday, August 20, 2007

Blogging, and me.

I never really felt like i should start a blog and write down, for the whole world to see, what I feel and think. But recently that feeling has changed.

Somehow I feel like I should write down whatever I feel like writing down. No limitations. Maby I saw an ant today and now I want to talk about it, maby someone close to me passed away and I want to share his story. I feel like writing down everything and nothing, knowing that somebody out there must have five minutes to read what I have to say.

I have no idea where the discussion of making a Blog came from. Maby it's the idea that I can just write down whatever I want thats so appealing. Maby I seceretly hope that someone will read my stories, even if it's just about random stuff. The idea that people, without knowing eachother, communicate, share stories and take a few minutes to read what someone, maby thousands of miles away, has to say, somehow gives me hope.

Why does it give me hope? In a world where everything is based on speed and performance, listening and taking time for eachother has become something rare. So the idea that somebody, somewhere will hopefully read this makes me happy. No, i'm not jumping around of joy, i'm just smiling, but thats a good thing.

I wonder if this is well written, I wonder if i made spelling mistakes or not. I probably did, but that doesn't matter, I said what i wanted to say.

This first post must be so random, but hopefully I got someones attention.

Take care and see you soon.


Arly said...

Apple pie and coffee? Nonsense. Apple pie and milk. :)

Arly said...

Are you really in Bruges?

CoffeeGuy said...

Yes I am. :)